Plum as a Serbian brand

The very moment anybody mentions plums in Serbia, it immediately creates an association to plum brandy as a Serbian brand. Of course, many of you forget how useful and healing plums are. The plum fruit is oval or round and may have blue, red, or yellow skin depending on the species. The plum tree comes from the Rosaceae family, and the plum itself comes from the genus Prunus to which apricots, peaches, nectarines, cherries and sour cherries belong. The Latin name is Prunus domestica and is believed to originate from the Caspian shore.

 Plum cultivars

There are over 2,500 plum cultivars grown around the world of different sizes, flavours, colours and shades created by cross-breading. In Serbia, the most famous ones are:

Čačak Beauty which was produced in 1961 at the Fruit Institute in Čačak by crossing the species Wangenheims Fruhzwetsche and Požegača. It ripens in late July or early August. It bears fruits regularly and in large quantities achieving a high price in the market. It is a self-fertilizing variety tolerant of the plum pox virus (also known as sharka), which is the most dangerous and known viral disease of this fruit. The sort was protected in 1991.

Čačanska Rodna was created by cross-breeding between Stanley and Požegača. This variety has a very high potential which requires regular pruning. It is used for drying and processing. It matures in late August and is very abundant in fruits.

Požegača (Madžarka (Hungarian), Bistrica) is one of the oldest, most represented but also the highest quality sorts among plum varieties in the world. The fruit is smaller in weight, up to 18g and dark blue. Due to its quality, it is used for processing. It ripens in late August and early September.

Valjevka was created in Serbia by crossing Agen 707 and Stanley in 1959. Its fruits are from 22 to 40 g and oval. It has yellow flesh (mesocarp) of sweet and sour taste.

The most famous American sorts are:

Stanley which has been grown in Serbia since 1956. Today, it is the most represented sort in Serbia. Its fruits are large, from 31 to 41 g, elliptical in shape and dark blue in colour. Fresh fruits of this variety are exported. It is tolerant of the plum pox. It ripens in the second half of August.

California Blue is a juicy variety with very large fruit sup to 50 g. The flesh of the fruit is yellow-green in colour, medium-firm and of a refreshing taste. It is a self-fertilizing variety and is a good pollinator for other types. It ripens in late July.

Healing features

This fruit is a rich source of potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and vitamins C and E. Besides, there are a lot of carbohydrates in plums, with glucose accounting for 51%. Plant fibres in plums play an essential role in regulating bowel function and are therefore good at fighting chronic constipation. Plum also contains soluble dietary fibre (pectin), which has a beneficial effect on lowering blood cholesterol. On the other hand, they help with diabetes, atherosclerosis, impaired liver function, arthritis, dehydration, fatigue and osteoporosis.

Plums as a part of our diet

Plums are used fresh or dried. They are used to make jam, marmalade, compote, fruit jelly and popular rakija slivovitz. Lately, it has often been used

Nutritional composition:

Plums (100g):

Calories 46

Total fat 0.3 g

Saturated fat 0.1 g

Cholesterol 0 mg

Sodium 0 mg

Carbs 11.4 g

Dietary Fiber 1.4 g

Sugars 9.9 g

Proteins 0.7 g

Calcium 6 mg

Potassium 157 mg